How you can help the Animal Food Bank keep animals out of shelters...

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Donation Drives

Is your business, school, or organization interested in hosting a donation drive? We have handy donation drive starter kits and helpful tips to make your drive a success.

If you're interested in hosting a donation drive, please let us know and we'll send you our Donation Drive Starter Kit and a list of our greatest needs! More info at:


Don’t have a business that is a good fit? You can host a personal pet food drive at your next birthday party or summer BBQ!

5 Tips for making your donation drive a success:

  1. Let us know! The very first step is to let us know you'd like to host a drive. We can provide you with helpful resources and help promote your drive on social media and in our newsletter. Plus, we like to keep tracks of drives happening on our behalf.

  2. Focus on greatest needs: While any and all donations are greatly appreciated and accepted, sometimes our needs are greater in specific areas. Check in with us prior to launching and we can provide you with a list of any priority items at that time. Otherwise, we’re always happy to receive: Dry and wet dog food, dry and wet cat food, pet food for small pets such as rabbits, gerbils, fish, birds, etc.

  3. Create a donation display area: Placing a large box with our poster on it in a high traffic area can help remind folks that you’re collecting. They’ll know that the box is exactly where they can place their items and who the items are being collected for. Use the signage included in our Donation Drive Starter Kits. Need a large donation box – just ask us!

  4. Keep the location consistent: Keeping the location of your donation box the same makes it easy to find.

  5. Spread the word: Do you have a social media account? Does your organization have one? Be sure to post about your drive regularly to your followers to help spread the word. Share pictures of your progress. Thank donors regularly as donations grow. Tag others in your organization or friends who you think would like to donate or would be willing to retweet/share. Share our web site URL and tag us so that your followers can get to know us and learn about how they are truly helping their community by donating.

And be sure to connect with us!

We’re on Facebook and twitter: and

Bonus tip: Have fun! Enjoy hosting your drive by coming up with creative ways to encourage donations. And remember – every little bit helps someone keep their dearest furry companion at home, where they belong.